When designing electronic participation systems, one minor but important challenge is to not just count votes and show the result in form of numbers but to also facilitate an appropriate, intuitionally understandable graphical representation for majorities (and minorities) who voted on an issue.
The results of simple yes/no votings on candidates or proposals usually consist of only 3 numbers to visualize: the count of “Yes” votes, the count of “No” votes, and the count of “Abstention” votes. The most interesting facts that should be instantanously visible by looking at a graphical representation are:
Pie charts allow to immediately recognize the answer to the above stated questions. When, for example, the parts of a pie chart for a voting result are drawn in the sequence 1. Yes, 2. Abstention, 3. No (starting and ending at the top of the circle), it can easily fulfill all three requirements stated before: it is possible to recognize whether the candidate or proposal got a simple majority (see Figures 1 and 3), it can easily be seen how big the difference between Yes and No is (see Figure 2), and the relation between abstentions, Yes, and No votes as well as any existing absolute majorities are visible too.
As already shown in the article “Game of Democracy”[GoD] in this issue of the journal, simple yes/no votings are no suitable means to create a truly democratic process (see also pages 18 through 20). Therefore, when talking about visualization of vote counts, we need to consider preferential voting as well.
In case of preferential voting, it may happen that there is no majority which favors a particular proposal most, but there is a majority which favors a group of proposals to the status quo. There may or may not be a winner which received a simple or absolute majority of first preference votes. In order to display this information, we can split the “Yes” section of a pie chart into two sub-sections: “Yes, first preference” and “Yes, alternative vote”.
Since there are several competing proposals in a preferential voting, such pie charts could be rendered for each competing proposal. Our experiences with LiquidFeedback 1.x and 2.x, however, taught us that displaying the approval rate of several competing alternatives may cause confusion to the user since not the approval rates but the preferences determine which proposal wins if there are multiple eligible winners.[PLF, p.106-108] While each proposal may have its own pie chart, we recommend to not display them concurrently (if applicable to the medium) but to show visualized preference counts instead. In LiquidFeedback 3.0, these preference counts are displayed as bar graphs to be able to distinguish them easily from the pie chart that is displaying the “Yes, first preference”, “Yes, alternative vote”, “Abstention”, and “No” counts.
We covered only simple majorities yet. But in some situations, decisions require a supermajority, e.g. a 2/3 or 3/4 majority. In these cases, the pie chart as described before looses its ability to fulfill the first requirement (showing if the candidate or proposal was accepted) because it is not easy for a human to visually determine if a 2/3 majority has been reached. The same holds also for a 3/4 majority where a 90° angle could only be used as reference if the number of abstentions is zero.
To solve this problem, we introduced the feature of “supermajority pie rotation” in LiquidFeedback 3.0. Using the supermajority pie rotation formula (see Figure 6) it is possible to rotate the display of a pie chart in such a way, that the lower angles of the Yes and No section are compareable again. If the left (No) part does not reach lower than the right (Yes) part, then the candidate or proposal has reached the supermajority. Otherwise, the proposal is rejected. If the “No” part furthermore reaches into the right side, then a “blocking minority” exists: even if all abstensions were approvals, the candidate may still not win.