The Liquid Democracy Journal
on electronic participation, collective moderation, and voting systems
Issue 4

Errata for Issue 2

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Print version

The print version of Issue 2 contained an error in Figure 6 on page 26 (article “Dividing the Pie – Visualizing Quantities and Qualities of Majorities in Pie Charts”). The unit (360°) was missing in the formula depicted in Figure 6. Instead of “alpha_pie” read “alpha_pie / 360°”. This error has already been fixed in the first publication of the electronic version (revision 1, 2014-11-29) of Issue 2.

Electronic version

In the first publication of the electronic version (revision 1, 2014-11-29) of Issue 2, the HTML version of the article “Dividing the Pie – Visualizing Quantities and Qualities of Majorities in Pie Charts” contained an error in the caption of Figure 6. The second line of the caption was accidentally omitted. The full caption can be found in the PDF version and reads: “Figure 6: The formula to calculate the pie rotation in case of supermajorities (q is the required supermajority, and 7/12 is an arbitrary value > 1/2 but ≈ 1/2 to keep the ‘no’ block mostly left)”.

In the first publication of the electronic version (revision 1, 2014-11-29) of Issue 2, a hyphen was missing in the introductory text to Figure 9 (“Once upon a time…”) of the HTML version of the article “Game of Democracy”. In lines 8 and 9 of the text above Figure 9 read “kingdom” instead of “king dom”.

These two errors have been fixed in the electronic version, revision 2 (2015-07-27) of Issue 2.

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